School of Music


The CSU Percussion Department maintains a comprehensive collection of percussion instruments. This collection allows students to gain invaluable experience on the wide range of instrument sounds, styles, and configurations likely to be encountered in the professional world and at auditions.


Adams Philharmonic


Hinger Touchtone

Ludwig Dresden

Ludwig Ringer

Ludwig Symphonic

Walter Light Mark XI



Adams Artist 5.0

Adams Artist Classic 5.0

Adams Artist Classic 5.0

Musser M 350

Musser M 450

Deagan M 40



Adams Artist Series 4.0

Adams Concert 4.0

Adams Concert 4.0


Deagan 870

Deagan 872

Deagan 872

Deagan Artists Special

Deagan Klyposorous

Leedy 992

Musser M 51



Adams Artist Classic

Deagan 582

Musser M 48

Musser M 75





Adams Orchestral Concert

Deagan 1580

Deagan Parsifal 561

Deagan Roundtop

Fall Creek Wide Bar

Leedy Century Bells






-Bass Drums-



-Snare Drums-

4" Pearl Maple Philharmonic
4" Pearl Maple Philharmonic prototype
5" Black Swamp
5" Maple Philharmonic
5" Aluminum Pearl Philharmonic
5" Aluminum Ludwig
6.5" Pearl Maple Philharmonic
6.5" Hinger Touch Tone
6.5" Hinger Touch Tone
6.5" Black Swamp
6.5" Hammered Brass Ludwig
6.5" Pearl Free Floating
6.5" Aluminum Pearl Philharmonic
8" African Mahogany Pearl Philharmonic
15" Metal Ludwig Field Drum
14" Hinger Field Drum
14" Pearl Philharmonic Field Drum